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lundi 26 juillet 2010
Marketing plan determines the success of any firm
Marketing plan determines the success of any firm. A well thought out and conscious marketing plan always leads to the success of the firm or even any business too. Most of the marketing plans are structured to enhance the traffic to any website. Markets progress, clients come and go and various things change over time. It becomes difficult for people to be in touch with all such changing surroundings. Twitter is a micro-blogging podium which helps in not only communicating with the friends but also helps in marketing. It has been oppressed by different marketers and that also for good reasons. With the help of Twitter one can put up online presence, communicate with people all around the world and hence attract the traffic to any website or even any blog. This indirectly increases the twitter flowing.
The victory of popular online marketing strategies is determined by the number of people who get to visit the website. It all depends on the flow of traffic to the specified website. Greater the traffic, greater will be the marketing.
In case of twitter, most popular websites are endorsed by the celebrities and famous people. They are a great source of attracting traffic. People who like those celebrities will naturally follow the link hence enhancing the marketing.
The clients with personal relationships can be included so as to increase the followers. Sometimes, contest can also be arranged on the Twitter. In addition to this, creation of a free tool can also attract traffic. Interesting articles can also be tweeted, drawing concerned followers to go for the link.
The Twitter Marketing Strategy includes even small business public advertising plans as the rate of advertisement is increasing day by day. The advantages offered by the Twitter such as micro-blogs service presented to the small business proprietors are far beyond discussion.
Although Twitter resembles the other socializing websites or podiums yet a properly planned and intelligently executed marketing strategy using Twitter is rising as a key instrument in the world of small businesses.
The micro blog placement is confined to a limit of 140 characters at maximum. Clever use of this limited space can often lead to more public media optimization. The success also depends on how twitter intelligently persuades the subscribers to follow the others and also vice versa.
The marketing professionals, who value the public media optimization, give high acceptance to twitter marketing strategies. Small business proprietors can be hugely benefitted if they incorporate social or public marketing podiums such as Twitter.
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Internet Tutorials are the Teachers of the Future
I know some people don't even believe that the Internet or World Wide Web exists. They think that it is an abstract concept and that if asked to show it to someone they would fail miserably. Well, whether or not it exists I think that the collective consciousness of humanity is evolving everyday because of the sharing of ideas on the strange boxes called computers and the electronic network that connects them.
Every time I go on the Internet these days I am surprised by some new function that it has for our lives. My most recent discovery has been on-line tutorials. Tutorials are websites that have been created to help novices and amateurs alike learn more in their areas of specific interest. Just about any aspect of life seems to have tutorial sites dedicated to it that will teach you want you want to know. Of course some knowledge can cost you money but you'd be pleasantly surprised to see how much information you can get for free.
For example, I am interested in learning about how to play the guitar. You should see how many sites are out there, just look up guitar+tutorials on your search engine (E.g.: Google). There's all sorts of great help from how to change your strings, hold a plectrum properly, and tuning, to learning complex chord scale systems and finger tapping on your electric guitar.
There are often diagrams, photographs, and intensive explanations relating to everything you ever wanted to know. Some sites have video and audio to help drive the lessons home. Life really has changed. In the past you had to get lessons from a teacher, drive to and from their house or music school, pay high tuition fees, and buy books on chords and songs. Everything is downloadable these days, and a lot of it is free.
Web designers could also probably learn a few things from these guitar tutorial sites. The ways the guitar teachings are expressed are often quite extensive but done so in a very simplistic manner. It's a real one, two, three approach starting with verbal explanations of exercises, followed by diagrams, and then finally with audio and visual representations. It is an extremely thorough way of teaching without ever having to meet anyone in person.
However, a strange phenomenon is the fact that if the site is good, the visitor does feel a connection to the personality of the creator. Making the site individual is a major factor in both achieving success and touching a personal chord (no pun intended) with people. Many of the sites have means in which you can get direct contact with the site owner thus creating an opportunity for real personal interaction and tuition.
Get connected to the teachers of the future. Find a tutorial that helps you to follow your dreams.
About the author: By Jesse S. Somer M6.Net Web Hosting Somer is a writer and guitarist learning about how to learn more through the Internet.
Author: Jesse S. Somer
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Die AG gehört zur deutschen, einer der führenden Mail-Order-Companies in Europa. Mit Gründung der Schweizer Landesgesellschaft im Jahr 2003 hat die damalige Neckermann Versand AG den Markteintritt am Standort St. Gallen erfolgreich vollzogen. Wie die Muttergesellschaft in Deutschland setzt auch Neckermann in der Schweiz auf das Internet als Verkaufskanal der Zukunft:
Im Oktober 2007 wurde das Unternehmen in AG umbenannt, um die strategische Ausrichtung auf den Online-Handel zu unterstreichen. Allein im Jahr 2007 wuchs die Online-Nachfrage um 49 Prozent. Der E-Commerce-Anteil erreichte erstmals im Oktober 2007 einen Anteil von 50 Prozent am Gesamtumsatz des Unternehmens. Seit Juli 2008 ist die AG Internet Pure Player. Als erste Landesgesellschaft und erster klassischer Versender in der Schweiz verzichtet vollständig auf Print-Kataloge und konzentriert sich ausschliesslich auf das Online-Geschäft. Somit ist das Unternehmen ein E-Commerce-Pionier unter den Versandhändlern in der Schweiz. Nicht nur aus diesem Grund stellt die Schweiz einen für die wichtigen Markt dar. macht’s möglich!
Das Sortiment von über 115‘000 Artikel aus den Bereichen Mode, Technik, Wohnen, Schmuck, Uhren, Spielwaren und Geschenkartikel ist ausschliesslich über das Internet erhältlich. Darüberhinaus bietet der Shop seinen Usern einen Fotoservice und einen Lost-and-Found-Service.
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samedi 10 juillet 2010
Forecast Roubini Videos
Né à Istanbul dans une famille de Juifs iraniens, il a vécu une enfance nomade : à l'âge de deux ans, il a vécu à Téhéran (Iran), puis Tel Aviv (Israël) et finalement en Italie où il a complété l'équivalent d'un diplôme collégial. Par la suite, il a étudié en économie à l'Université Harvard aux États-Unis, où il a complété son doctorat en sciences économiques en 1988. Selon son superviseur, Jeffrey Sachs, il avait le talent inhabituel de comprendre les institutions économiques de façon mathématique et intuitive4.
Il a occupé des postes d'enseignement à l'Université Yale.
Il a été économiste senior aux Affaires internationales pour le compte du Council of Economic Advisers (juillet 1998 – juillet 1999), organisation chargée de conseiller le président des États-Unis. Au Département du Trésor des États-Unis, il avait un rôle de conseiller senior auprès du sous-secrétaire aux Affaires internationales (de juillet 1999 à juin 2000).
Dans les années 1990, Roubini avait étudié l'effondrement des économies émergentes. En ligne avec le talent explicité par son superviseur Sachs, il a appliqué une approche historique et intuitive tout en s'appuyant sur sa connaissance des modèles économiques dans le but d'analyser ces pays. Il arriva à la conclusion qu'un commun dénominateur était la cause de ces effondrements : les pays financaient la balance courante par des emprunts effectués à l'étranger. Il a prédit que les États-Unis serait probablement le prochain pays à subir un tel choc : en 2004, il a commencé à exposer ses théories à propos d'un tel effondrement4.
En septembre 2006, il a annoncé lors d'un discours devant une audience de spécialistes, sceptiques, du FMI qu'une crise économique était en gestation : « Dans les mois et les années à venir, les États-Unis vont probablement vivre une dépréciation immobilière qui ne se voit qu'une fois dans une vie, un choc pétrolier, une diminution prononcée de la confiance des consommateurs et, ultimement, une grave récession. »trad 2. Il a prédit la cessation de paiements sur les hypothèques résidentielles, la non-viabilité des mortgage-backed securities dont la valeur atteignait des milliers de milliards de dollars américains et l'arrêt du système financier mondial4. Depuis, l'économiste Prakash Loungani, à l'emploi du FMI, l'a surnommé « le prophète ».
Bien qu'il ait prédit que la crise financière de 2008 commencerait plus tôt qu'elle ne l'a fait, ses descriptions des causes et effets ont été confirmées. En conséquence, il est en 2009 un intervenant majeur dans les débats économiques se déroulant aux États-Unis et sur la scène internationale. Le New York Times affirme qu'il est « le sage qui a vu venir » et le Prospect Magazine, en janvier 2009, l'a mis en 2e place sur une liste des 100 intellectuels vivants les plus influents5. Il a prononcé des discours devant le Congrès des États-Unis, le conseil des relations étrangères et le Forum économique mondial à Davos, Suisse4.
En 2009, il est régulièrement consulté par les gouverneurs des banques centrales en Europe et en Asie. Il occupe également un poste de professeur d'économie au Stern School of Business de l'Université de New York1.
Roubini foi apelidado Dr. Doom
Nouriel Roubini (Istambul, Turquia, 29 de março de 1959) é um economista turco, de origem judaica, naturalizado estadunidense, professor da Stern School of Business da Universidade de Nova York, desde 2009. [1]. É também presidente do grupo de consultoria RGE Monitor, especializado em análise financeira.
No início dos anos 2000, Roubini foi apelidado Dr. Doom ou Doutor Catástrofe, [2] em razão das suas previsões econômicas catastróficas - ou, pelo menos, muito mais pessimistas do que as da maioria dos economistas, na época.
Em 2005, segundo a revista Fortune, Roubini afirmou que "o preço dos imóveis residenciais surfava em uma onda especulativa, que brevemente faria afundar a economia." "Naquela época, foi qualificado de Cassandra. Agora, é considerado um sábio." Suas previsões atuais são igualmente apocalípticas: uma recessão persistente, com mais de dois trilhões de dólares de perdas em créditos e uma crise bancária sistêmica. "O FDIC gastou 10% das suas reservas para socorrer IndyMac, e esta foi a primeira onda de falências," diz Roubini. "Será que daqui a pouco não teremos que socorrer o FDIC?"
vendredi 9 juillet 2010
lundi 5 juillet 2010
dimanche 4 juillet 2010
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samedi 3 juillet 2010
The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a worldwide decentralized over-the-counter financial market for the trading of currencies. Financial centers around the world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of different types of buyers and sellers around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market determines the relative values of different currencies.[1]
The primary purpose of the foreign exchange market is to assist international trade and investment, by allowing businesses to convert one currency to another currency. For example, it permits a US business to import European goods and pay Euros, even though the business's income is in US dollars. It also supports speculation, and facilitates the carry trade, in which investors borrow low-yielding currencies and lend (invest in) high-yielding currencies, and which (it has been claimed) may lead to loss of competitiveness in some countries.[2]
In a typical foreign exchange transaction a party purchases a quantity of one currency by paying a quantity of another currency. The modern foreign exchange market started forming during the 1970s when countries gradually switched to floating exchange rates from the previous exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system.
The foreign exchange market is unique because of its
huge trading volume, leading to high liquidity
geographical dispersion
continuous operation: 24 hours a day except weekends, i.e. trading from 20:15 GMT on Sunday until 22:00 GMT Friday
the variety of factors that affect exchange rates
the low margins of relative profit compared with other markets of fixed income
the use of leverage to enhance profit margins with respect to account size
As such, it has been referred to as the market closest to the ideal of perfect competition, notwithstanding market manipulation by central banks.[citation needed] According to the Bank for International Settlements,[3] average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets is estimated at $3.98 trillion, as of April 2007. $3.21 Trillion is accounted for in the world's main financial markets.
The $3.21 trillion break-down is as follows:
$1.005 trillion in spot transactions
$362 billion in outright forwards
$1.714 trillion in foreign exchange swaps
$129 billion estimated gaps in reporting
vendredi 2 juillet 2010
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